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pride comes before a fall中文是什么意思

用"pride comes before a fall"造句"pride comes before a fall"怎么读"pride comes before a fall" in a sentence


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  • That " pride comes before a fall " is wisdom .
  • They say that pride comes before a fall
  • Pride comes before a fall
  • " pride comes before a fall ! " in accordance with this , the greatest of nature ' s ironies , the forsyte family had gathered for a last proud pageant before they fell
    “盛极必衰! ”这是造化最大的一条讽刺。福尔赛一家现在就是按照这一条规律,在他们衰落之前,集合在一起举行最后的一次盛会。
用"pride comes before a fall"造句  


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